Group Exhibition: Rachel Harrison, Albert Oehlen, Jimmy Wright

Opening Reception Friday, April 5, 6 to 8pm Exhibition, April 5 – June 22 In the North Gallery, CvsD is pleased to present a three-person show of works by Rachel Harrison, Albert Oehlen, and Jimmy Wright. The drawings, sculpture, and paintings sustain an uneasy state of mind, riding the line between the comic and the melancholic. Harrison’s sculpture “Before You Have To” incorporates a hat gifted to the artist but is also perhaps a memorial to a time that lies ahead; Wright’s two monumental paintings have both a deep sense of sadness and a playful sexual undertone, signaling mourning and reawakening. The first of Wright’s many flower works, they were painted 1988-91, in homage to the artist’s partner who had recently died of AIDS. In four modestly sized ink drawings, Oehlen also manages to subsume several moods into a single complex space, his creature-like trees ranging from ominous to brooding to gleeful.

Corbett vs Dempsey
2156 West Fulton St.
Chicago, IL 60612